Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I think the last time I had a blog was when I had a livejournal.  I was about 16 and thought that everybody would want to read about my deep and philosophical thoughts.  I still don't know how many people, if any, ever read it. 

Anyway, this is my first blog post since then, not counting the occasional status update on facebook.  Maybe this time my deep and philosophical thoughts will be more thought out and well developed.  One can only hope. :)

This blog is for my LIS 7370 class, which is about multicultural information services.  During my undergrad I was a sociology major, so I have a feeling that this class will bring back fond memories of the classes I took back then and the different concepts that I learned.  If not, then I'm still looking forward to learning all that can be learned.  Good luck to everybody!

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